Unsubscribe at Facides Dione

Stopped studying, no longer interested or graduated? Here you an find how to unsubscribe from Facides Dione.

Unfortunately you want to cancel you membership at Facides Dione. This can be done very easily by e-mailing you cancellation to facidesdione@org.hanze.nl You only have to state here that you want to deregister. Note that you must cancel before July 21, 2019, otherwise you will automatically be a member for another year.

In addition, we would also like to draw you attention to the fact that (if you are not yet an alumnus) we offer an alumnus membership for graduates, former members of Facides Dione. This allows you to enjoy activities, parties, discounts and sponsorship from 12 euros per year and you will receive our magazines and almanac (on request).

Do you have questions about your membership? Then you can ofcourse also send an e-mail to Facidesdione@org.hanze.nl