About Facides Dione

Facides Dione is the studyassociation of (I)FM

Since the academic year of 2004 - 2005 is Facides Dione alive again! In the current academic year different activities will be organised which in return, makes (International) Facility Management a wider and social education.

Facides Dione is the study association of (International) Facility Management at the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen. The name Facides Dione was conceived when the education was named: Facility Service Grant. Facides means 'filled/with content', Dione come from Dionysus, the god of the wine and 'madness'. So Facides Dione stands for an assocication with content, but also with social aspects! At this moment Facides Dione has more than a 1000 members. In the thirteen years that we have existed Facides Dione is alive we have organized a lot of great events!

As a study assocication our main goal is to give our members, all students of (I)FM, an unforgettable time being a student. We organize study-related events, like: excursions, workhops, seminars and congresses. The travel committee will organize several learning activities throughout the year. To make the social bond stronger, we also organize parties, drinks and other social activities!

Check the webpage 'committees' to see which committees make these events a succes. Through this active member group, Facides Dione can call herself a successful study association!

Watch out: a membership is always without obligation!